【同义词辨析】 2019-05-22 体质physique-build

physique: applies to the structure, appearance, or strength of the body as characteristic of an individual or a race: a people of sturdy ~.    structure结构构造: 指各组成部分是如何连接排列或组织的,即它们之间的关系refers to the way in which the parts of something are connected together, arranged or organized,如the structure of the building/family/economy建筑物/家庭/经济结构, 中美争议的一个焦点是经济结构化问题structual economic problems,是指政府私企国企外企之间的关系的问题)

build: freely interchangeable with physique, may stress the body's conformation, calling attention to such qualities as size, structure, and weight: a horse of chunky ~.   健身body building (conformation身体构造body structure,例句一般较专业不好理解) chunky大块头敦实的,如本例

habit: implies reference to the body as the outward evidence of characteristics that determine one's physical and mental capacities and condition: a woman of tranquil mien and languorous ~.   habitexhibit都来自词根HIBIT/HABIT: to have,hold拥有抓住,这里habit表示外部表现出的体魄,可以用同根词exhibit展览来帮助记)  mien姿态   languorous懒洋洋悠然的lazy in a pleasant way

constitution: applies to the makeup of the body as affected by the complex of physical and mental conditions which collectively determine its state: a robust, healthy ~.

physique体质: 指身体的结构外观力量,多指"个人"的特征,build体质: 可以和physique互换,但强调尺寸结构重量,多指"身体结构"的特征,habit体魄: 指体质精力的外在表现,constitution体质宪法: 强调身体的整体构成情况(complex复杂的collective共同的,都在表示"整体")

记忆方法: 1)首字母PBHC从不害怕<==体质

         2)体质的意思是身体组成类型mean bodily makeup or type.     makeup有3个意思 1组成 2性格 3化妆品